Moving to Vienna (Austria) with small kids

Hi all,

I have been offered a job in Vienna, Austria. I currently live in Madrid, Spain. The company would be paying me 52.000 euros gross.

Considering I have two small kids (nursery, school, etc) and my wife will not be working for at least the first two years (taking care of the baby + language learning). Do you think that is enough to live without economical worry? (meaning covering everything and still be left with eoungh money for clothing, entertainment (twice a month), holidays abroad, saving some money at the end of the month, etc.


Hi bluearrow,

Welcome to! :)

I am new here too, my opinion- not the best though-, is that you will be on the edge. In hand you will get over half-maybe 60- 70 %, the rest will be tax.
Here you will need minimum Euro 2000/ month per family to live, just basic stuff. 2500 sounds better.Over 3000 you can afford what you said. Rent is between 900- 1300, something regular, utilities 200-300 Euro/ month, food minimum 500/ month- just basic again, mobile phone 10 Euro/ month/ person, transportation pass- 45 Euro/ month/ adult.Restaurant about 10-20 Euro/ person, Chinese version restaurants 6-7 Euro/person, shows- opera, ballet, theater 10- 80 Euro/ ticket,...etc. Travel, clothing, holidays, entertainment,...etc is extra.

@bluearrow I wonder if you have taken the position? If so then how it is going with the family budgeting?
We are a family of 4 just arrived. And when I have been planning somewhere I have found the figure EUR 30000 for family of four. I can't quote the source but I recall it was a local online forum in German. I can't recall if it was pre-tax though.