Car insurance in Hungary

Hi everyone
we are planning to buy a car in Budapest next month to keep in Hungary for our regular visits to save driving out and back from the UK every summer. Any suggestions about the best insurance companies? I have googled Allianz but want to know if there is anything else. All ideas and suggestions very welcome. Koszi!

As far as I know, liability insurance (kötelező felelősségbiztosítás, KGFB) works the same no matter where you get it, so the only difference is price. If you don't want any other insurance (colloquially referred to as CASCO to differentiate from liability), there are websites to do comparison shopping on price.

If you want CASCO as well, you might get a discount for buying both from the same insurance company.


Can you suggest the best comparison websites?

James was the first to make it big, then there's
Probably Hungarian only.