Postal Code for Nha Trang

Hello All,

My husband and I are currently in Nha Trang and want to do some online shopping. Every online vendor has requested a postal code for delivery and I am having a tough time finding it. Does anyone know for certain, i.e. experience, what the postal code is for Nha Trang? Thank you in advance. Happy New Year!! … 470887&l=0

Budman1 - thank you so much for responding. The reason I want to hear from someone who has received mail themselves is because my Google search led me to two different postal codes, 65000 and 57000; I have no idea which is correct. Thanks again.

The Post Codes haven't rally been assigned yet. It's an ongoing project (for several years yet).

If you know TP HCM you will understand why.

More important is putting the recipients cell number in brackets behind their name AND having it sent to:

Poste Restante, Buu Dien
1 Đường Pasteur, Phường Xương Huân
TP Nha Trang, Khan Hoa

Khnah Hoa is one of the provinces whose postal code assignments have been made. Check: < >.

Importing things involve Customs. They will make your life interesting and more expensive.

Thank you Jaitch.....interesting.