What do you think about this job offer? I would like to move to KL

Hi, I'm an italian guy and I'm thinking about moving to KL.

Job offer:
Lead developer
53k usd before tax per year
Health Assurance
One ticket a/r italy-malaysia per year
20 days holiday per year

I have many questions, of course :)

Is the offer amount enough for living in KL? I know it depends how much you spend, but I'm a simple guy.
I just need a clean and comfortable apartment, a good internet connection and a beer :)

What 's the average working hours per day in the IT enviroment?

I know that for the first 6 months the tax rate is 26%, what's the tax rate after 6 month?
Do I get then a refund for the 6 months?



Hi welcome. That's about 12 k per month or 10k RM per month after tax - yes you get it back eventually for the overtaxed first 6 months. Beer is expensive so a beer is a significant % of that! Yes enough to live off but for a lead developer seems low but there is a recession still raging in the west so if you are not leaving a great job in Italy sounds ok.

Warning though working in IT in Malaysia is like dealing with the living dead. Just make sure your brains are not eaten (by stupidity)! Work in general sucks in Malaysia (in corporate world - happiest expats set up own business) but life is better than west. If you can deal with that you will enjoy it


"Warning though working in IT in Malaysia is like dealing with the living dead. Just make sure your brains are not eaten (by stupidity)!"

what do you mean? too many working hours?

"for a lead developer seems low"
How low?
What's the avarage pay per month for a Lead developer in KL (after tax)?

thanks again @nemodot


If you come here to see yourself would be recommended.
Come here feel the place,see the offer  then make your own mind.

Actually this is the best way to do it.