Algerians in Qatar

Hello and salaam,

My husband was offered a position in Qatar (in finance). We are a family of 4 children + 2 adults. 1 child is 13yrs old and two children are at kindergarten level. One baby. We are from Algeria. I am trying to figure out the cost of living in Qatar. And what type of (family) packages are normally offered there for Algerians ... so we can compare and see if it is worth moving there.

Some of my questions/concerns:

- Education for my 13yr old. I've read that expats/foreigners all put their children in private schools. And looking at the fees quoted online, it looks too expensive for us.

- Housing. What housing options are available for a family such as mine. 2-3bedrooms in a decent area. All I have seen online is the very luxurious apartments. Also what city or area should I be looking in? Is Doha the only place?

- Algerian community. Is there an Algerian community in Qatar?

Thank you very much for your replies!


Normalement toutes ces questions doivent être posees par votre epoux a l'entreprise qui lui a fait l'offre de travail. Normalement, les entreprises offrent a ses cadres le logement, les frais de scolarite pour les enfants jusqu'a la classe de terminale. Les etudes universitaires sont a la charge du travailleur.
Si vous avez d'autres questions, n'hesitez pas a me contacter a l'adresse suivante: [email protected]

Il existe une association des Algeriens au Qatar, voir le site:



Hello nhakim.

Thank you for these informations. As this is an Anglophone forum, could you please translate it in english so that everybody can understand? :)

Thank you,