Internet connection in Vietnam

Is it safe for me to log on to my bank and stock accounts on the internet in Vietnam?  I would need to access my accounts for trading and such but am worried about it.


You should use your own computer with a very strong and reputable antivirus program.  Make sure the connection is through a "HTTPS" web site.  Avoid Wi-Fi and try to only use a DSL.

Ok so lets say I am living in a friends home, useing my own computer and the website has the HTTPS which it always does here, and use DSL it should be ok? 

I also have an antivirus on my computer. 

Thank you!

You may want to also let your financial institution know where you are logging on from.  My access to Facebook was blocked when I tried to log-on the other day from the Nha Trang area.

Good point.  I wonder if any other sites that we use are blocked at all.  Was that the only one that was blocked for you?

Yes.  But I did not try to get on any financial web sites while I was in VN.  I'm back in the US now and had to confirm to Facebook on my home computer that it was me trying to get online overseas.

Ok so it was the Facebook website that blocked you.  So I would just need to let them know I will need to access it in VN.

Actually, facebook is blocked everywhere in Vietnam because of the gouvernement. But you can bypass it by changing DNS settings or using a vpn or special software. Strangely , I can access fb with my phone. It must depend on the Internet provider.

Why is facebook blocked? It is is accessible very normal. It is all open.  Occasionally, some pages/sites are bit slow, but there no issues really