Please help out

New here and find it hard to understand about thit site and how i can help people or how can they help me !!!!
please assist

Hi and welcome to!

What are your questions?
How can we help you?


Feel free to ask and we shall love to assist where possible.

welcome and ask anything,there will be a response

One thing for sure, this site is really not a place only for Expats' perspectives, experiences, advice. Many of the comments you will find are from locals which if you know locals then why not ask your friends directly.

Explorer,you don't have to be an explorer,a tourist or a professional on white collar to have the ideal information.even locals have pieces of advice and they need each are free to seek advice even from your watchmen,

Bushh RE-READ my comments.  You really don't get it, do you? Of course you can ask locals ... that is the point. When an expat is looking for an  EXPAT point of view/perspective/recommendation/etc., this expat expects those who join and comment under "" to be EXPATS!   enough said