Moving to Cambodia with a young kid:any tips?


My family and myself are planning to move to SR in few months. 

We have a 3 years old kid.. it s quite young and I am concerned about his health in Cambodia.

If there is anyone who has kids and can share his experience about having young ones in Siem Reap, the vaccinations we should/must do, how to deal with all the musquitos diseases and avoid our kid to catch something, in which hospital you are going if your little one is sick, about water and food...

Any tips will be welcomed. 

Thank you very much if you can take few minutes to enlight me ! 

Have a good day !

We live in PP with two small kids. The youngest one was 9 months old when we moved over.

Sure they get sick regularly, but everyone does in this country.

Making sure to install a very good water filter would be the first and most important step. Local clinics can treat the "standard" deseases (fever, flu etc.) without problems, and also give the standard vaccinations. Make sure to find a pharmacy with a good reputation. Some pahrmacies sell Chinese fake drugs. U-Care is quite good, but I don't know if they exist in SR.

Market food might be contaminated. It takes some experience doing the market shopping without risking your health. If you hire a house helper, you can send her to the market. She'll know what to buy. You can also get all western food from the supermarkets, however once you see the prices, you definitely wouldn't want to live entirely on western food.

Mosquito diseases might be the biggest risk. Good mosquito repellant for kids is not available in this country. We import our spray from Germany. Then place photocatalytic mosquito traps in all their favourite places. You can find them anywhere here for 10 to 15 Dollars. There's no possible vaccination against dengue and malaria. Malaria is no issue in SR though.
