Masterthesis about Ukrainian car market - interview partners needed

Hey there,

I am Verena from Germany and currently writing my master thesis about the Ukrainian car market and the potential of smart (the little car from Mercedes). On Wednesday I will come to Kiew in order to conduct some interviews. Since some of my partners cancelled, I am urgently looking for more people to talk to.
There is no specifications, the only thing that would be good is when you like cars or you have some idea about the car market in the Ukraine (but no expert knowledge neeeded, because it is more about your expectations when purchasing a car). Please drop me a line at [email protected] in case you have half on hour left over to talk to me.
It will be highly appreciated!

Thank you very much and hopefully I will be able to talk to you soon!

Hi Verena,
I would be glad to talk to, hope to be of any help for you.

Hello Verena! I know alot about the SMART car - I was a sales / product trainer for Mercedes Benz in the UK for several years. I also have personal and business connections in Ukraine 0 I hev been there 3 times in teh last 12 months. I'll help you if I can :-)