Marriage in Manila

I was wondering if you could give me some advice, I will be receiving my Certificate of No Impediment from a Uk registrar in the next couple of weeks, I was wondering do I still have to go to UK Embassy in Manila, Or do I go to the local civil registrar and apply for a marriage license. I understand, the license will be held for a period of ten days before I will have a chance to sign it and officially become married. Many Thanks

Hi Methos and welcome to!

Hope that you'll soon be enlightened.;)


Methos congrats
if you get married to the church then you ask help to the staft worker in the church they give you the step by step requirements in the church and led you to go civel registrar for married licence. they will post this for ten days you can get married in the church or by the Judge only. by the judge not much hassle no zero siminar you just sign it then fenish you are married. by church you have alot of siminars more papers more hassle.

note; philippine anullment and devorsment is really hard take long....... long..... lawyers liers will be happy for 20 thousand acceptance fee plus 10 thousand every hearing.