Driver's License and purchasing a bike

Hi! Am a little confused by the driver's license thing. I have a license from my home country (Australia) for both Car and Motorbike, and I have an International Drivers License card thingy. Does this mean I can legally ride a motorbike or drive a car in Thailand?

OK, that's the easy part. Now what if I want to buy a motorbike in Thailand? Can I do that on my Australian and Internat. Driver's Card or must I have a local Thai license? I looked up a bit on getting one and it says  you need to do a test, but if this test is in Thai, I would never pass it. Is it administered in English, or can it be, or can you have a translator present?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you so much!!!

I have no experience at Thai Lan but I can help you if you come to Hanoi for these issues,

good luck,


As I understand things you can legally drive on your OZ and Intl license for a maximum of 90 days.  If longer than 90 days you are required to obtain Thai license.

Things may vary slightly from one office to the next but I was not required to take a written or practical test when I obtained my license because I had a valid US license and international permit.  I did have to take color blindness, reaction time and depth perception test.

In the event you must take a written test it is available in English.

In Thailand you do not need a license to buy and register a vehicle.  You will need Copies of your passport, visa and perhaps entry card.  You will also need a letter issued by immigration confirming your address. To get this immigration may require you have a long stay visa (over 90 days) and proof of address in form of a utility bill with your name and address or perhaps a lease agreement.  If you have a work permit for Thailand then address confirmation is not usually needed.