Improve my English

I'm her to improve my english. I have been studying english for 7 months. I studied in London for 3 months and San Francisco for 7 months. However, I'm  not perfect in english :( .

Welcome to Like.No.Other!;)


You should asked this question to your teachers in London and San Francisco because this is not learning Languages site !!!

LNO u say u were abroad for 3 and 7 months (i.e. total of 10) and that uve been studying english for 7 months.

one of us needs to brush up on their math skills. have u been studying for a total of 17 months or no?

in either case; learning english is a simple ordeal. the whole world speaks it, what u need to do is:

a) Read English all the time. newspapers, books, magazines etc.

b) Listen to English all the time. Music, radio, news, etc.

c) Watch English programs on TV. shouldnt be too difficult, if you get stuck, read the subtitles.

Most importantly, you need to depend on yourself, and not someone else to give u the language.

best of luck.