How's Seoul to live in?

Hi everyone!

I have a few questions on Seoul I hope you can answer.

How's Seoul as far as living goes?

Are there any quite places or is it hectic and people everywhere
you go? People shoving and pushing, noise and pollution everywhere?

Do you always see foreigners there? Are there westerners everywhere?

Is Seoul westernized compared to other Korean cities?

IS it expensive? How much for food and other things?

Do you get looks by Koreans?

Thank you!

Hi Rivaldo!

Welcome to ;)
I hope other members will be able to help you soon!



A little :up: for you!;)

I'm just out of central Seoul, its still considerd to be part of greater Seoul however and I've been in to visit a few times. Everything is connected by the Bus and Subway system so getting around is really easy.

It's pretty busy, it's a big and bustling city with lots going on but as in all cities there are quieter neighborhoods.  People have to live somewhere.  In central Seoul there is some pollution I noticed when I first got here, I'm not sure about the noise but I expect it just really depends on where you are.  Its a huge city with lots of differnt parts and they all have their own 'flavour'.

Seoul is pretty western, there are heaps of American brands everywhere - the Koreans love America for some reason. You can find Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks and Baskin' Robbins just about every block (I'm not exaggerating either). There are also all your fast food places, McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Dominos are all here in a big way.

Hope that helps

I'm so relieved to see "Pizza Hut" is there... I wonder if the pizza is different though? Any kimchi pizza? (Eww!)

Ha yeah its nice to have some western comfort food when you need it.  A lot of the pizza is the same as you would get at home but their are local variations, same as any country they try and cater to the unique taste of the population.  That means some stuff that we might think weird, for some reason they like to put corn on everything which I don't really like.