Alternative medicine in Cuenca

Does anyone know about the options for alternative medicine, healing in Cuenca?

Hi, I am wondering the same thing, about alternative medicine in Cuenca.  My husband is a chiropractor and we are considering retiring in cuenca...but chiros never retire!  We are thinking of starting a very small practice in Cuenca...looking for feedback!

Hello again,

There's many stores dedicated to natural products, most made in Ecuador, and alternative medicine is starting, mostly due expats looking for this.
If I'm right you have to convalidate your diploma from the US if you want to work as a chiropractor  here.


Do you know of any Chiro's there in Ecuador?

In the Andes there is the Limpia con Cuy.  It's an Andean ritual where they wave or rub a guinea pig around you to restore balance and harmony and to heal any problems you may have. Smoke or incense is also used.  Usually the guinea pig is killed at the end and the organs are checked for signs of being unhealthy.  An unhealthy liver in the guinea pig, for example, would mean that your liver is unhealthy.   I'm not sure if this is available in Cuenca specifically, but it is in other parts of Andean Ecuador.  Here's some info about it.

Alternative medicine is happenin here.  I know a few people who go to a naturopath and another who sees an acupuncturist.  Not sure about chiropractors but I'm sure they're around.  And like Vinny said there are a couple stores around that have some natural products.

There are lots of options in the way of alternative health care. What we've found so far are: acupuncture, neural therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, ionic detoxification, ozone therapy,  bioenergetic medicine, neuralfocal dentistry, reflexology and Iridology, chelation, Reiki, chiropractic and IV therapy such as vitamin C. And then there's the shamanic healers...