Salaries in office work

What kind of salaries are in basic office work?
How about if the office work including some marketing tasks. Is it near 2000 or 4000 chf. We donŽt have any clue about the salaries. And they very much different than in Finland..

Depends on the company, but the lowest gross salary for an office job is around 4000-4500 CHF/month, although the average is rather 4500-5000 gross.
You can find salary calculators to see it more exactly, or visit this site: … ation.html
Hope it helps!

One thing that you must know when coming to Switzerland: this is an expensive country, even if you are used to the (also quite expensive) Scandinavian price levels.
Though there is no official minimum wage in Switzerland, you would be mad if you would accept 2000 CHF gross monthly for a full time job. Look at to compare salaries for the job type you are searching, and do so before the job interview as they will ask you what wage you are expecting.

Some practicalities:
- 4000 CHF gross monthly is about the absolute minimum that enables you to live on. For office work, you should be able to earn more than that.
- Count 1500-2500 CHF minimum monthly for appartment rent (you may find an appartment for 1000 CHF monthly if you look in the countryside or are willing to accept a 1-bedroom-flat in a less favorable part of town).
- Add at least 200 CHF per person for health insurance (mandatory).
- Count about 10-12% of your wage for social insurances (pension scheme and so on). These will usually be held of your wage by your employer and he will pay the insurances for you.
- Taxes vary highly and depend on the canton and town where you live. Taxes can be compared at
