Hi there I'm looking for fun girl friends :)

Hi there, I'm 20 years old lady.
I find it hard to make friends in Dubai so maybe I could meet some nice friends here :)

Hi and welcome to the forum AikaXo!

Maybe an introduction could help!


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i am sure it s not easy...seem u r not looking ...

Hi! I just recently moved from England and I am also looking to make friends. Would you like to get to know eachother?

Me too iam alone in Dubai and need friends also need some help

looking to make friends to Y'all.

I am interested. Reach me on [email protected]

Hey i am looking for female friends. Perhaps we can hang out. I do have one girlfriwnd but its nice to go out in group sometimes

AikaXo wrote:

Hi there, I'm 20 years old lady.
I find it hard to make friends in Dubai so maybe I could meet some nice friends here :)

Would u be interested in catching up.

in Dubai and alone :(

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hi its too difficult here, specialy when u put some criteria all the best

Ive got tears in my eyes.. everyones so lonely ! hahah.. give it a break girls.. there are plenty of good girls/guys/groups in Dubai who can accommodate new people.. take the initiative, dont just post about it.. *sigh*

Good Luck!

let me know you are looking only in dubai or out of dubai also i mean like Oman, Qater so and so

best of luck