Learn Moroccan Darija Online in Forum

Hey i'll give some courses here to learn Moroccan darija so u can contact with moroccan in u'r everyday life  !! if u want to learn register u'r name here !!

Hi Moroccan1!

Could you please post your advert in the classes section of Morocco classifieds instead of the forum?


Thank you, iŽd love that!!!! :)

hey Armand ,
i 'll start lesson here !!
kaur welcome u'll find the lesson in the same topic !! just need other members who are interesting to learn

General Indications Part one
If you are not familiar with the Arabic alphabet, knowing about our transliteration system will help you with pronunciation.

Here is the list of letters used in Darija, with the adopted transliteration for each one of them:


General Indications Part two

Some letters that are used in classical Arabic, are omitted in Darija, namely:

- th ث which is replaced by t ت; [Example: thôm ثوم (garlic) in MSA becomes tôma تومة in Darija]

- Dh ذ which is replaced by d د; [Example: dhakiyy ذكي (intelligent) in MSA becomes dki دكي in Darija]

- and TH ظ which is replaced by D ض. [Example: DHolm ظلم (oppression) in MSA becomes Dolm ضلم in Darija]

As for vowels, they will be like following:

a: Short a, like in (at).

â: Long a, like in (sad).

i: Short i, like in (bit).

î: Long i, like in (sheet)

o: Short o, like in (operate).

ô: Long o, like in (moon).

Other indications:

* (-): The dash will be needed to avoid confusion when a letter belonging to two different sounds is repeated twice. In Darija, it's very frequent to have words without any vowels at all. Example: sh-hr شهر (month).

* Doubled letter: Means that there is more stress on it. Example: 7orr حر (free).

im interested too :)

welcome Gabriella

lesson two : Feminine Form
In Darija, feminine words generally end with an (a), which is basically a silent (t) in standard Arabic. To form a feminine word from a masculine one –especially adjectives- you just add (a) then.

examples :

lesson two : Greetings

Greetings are quite warm in Morocco, that you'll find a person you meet for the first time asking you about your health, family, work and so on. When two persons meet, their greetings can be long depending on how close they are to one another. Even when you come across somebody in the street, you manage to ask them quickly about their family.

Situational dialogue

Sara: Sbâ7 lkhîr. ( good morning )

Fatima: Sbâ7 nnôr ( good morning)

Sara: Kî dâyra? Lâ bâs 3lîk? ( how are you )

Fatima: Lâ bâs l7mdo lillah, w ntî? ( i'm fine thanx and u )

Sara: Kol shî bîkhîr, Rbbi ykhllîk. ( i am fine too )

more examples :

listening :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f2p6pvl … e=youtu.be

Hi Moroccan1,

You should post an advert in the Morocco classifieds > classes section. Thank you.


thnx for your posts, i just recon few of the expressions i hear frequently :)

hi how are you? how do i register my name?

Can anyone please tell me what "msahta" means in english? id be so thankfull to anyone who can help :)

It means: I deleted it .

I definitely can use some lessons in darija...will you continue in this forum?

new expat in Marrakech
I try to learn darija
please could you continue and help me


Hello, please register me.

Thank you

Barbara Maxwell

Hi bmaxwell59 - please note that this thread is quite old :)

bhiti learn morccan arbic(darija)

Is there a good website for learning darija? Duolingo is a good one (for french, spanish etc) but doesn't offer darija.

want to be added in your forum for darija lessons...
email: [email protected]

I wanna learn it with a great pleasure :cheers:

hello please help to learn some of darija word conversation..

How do we do this?

Darija the familiar language, will be good way to get engage in a conversation with the local.