
Hi! I am a Filipino,I am studying Danish language now. I am getting married to a Danish brother in faith by June of this year.He is doing all his best now to find ways and means I can join him back to Denmark after the wedding. Looking at informations I got, it's very difficult for me to enter Denmark because I am only 18...Any help? Thank you

Hi and welcome to the forum yan 20!

What are your questions?
Maybe the members of the forum could help you accordingly ;)


How can i go to Denmark?
I was reading the guide for Danish visa and it has made me feel dizzy...Any immigration lawyer you know? or any agency well versed in Denmark laws that can help me?

Hey Yan 20.

Well its very difficult to get aloud to enter an get a permenant visa and I know may advice may to be what you are looking for but there is nothing else to do but wait :-/
I know people that have been waiting for their partners to get visas for years.
I'am a political active person an its my opinion that it will be hard for you to enter. As you said you are only 18 and I guess that because of your young age you dont have an education and that its definitly something that the goverment dosen't like.

I'm studying to be a doctor and the medical cheif is from USA and  he has an phd. from Harvard university and not even he can come right now.

I don't want to take hope away from you but I just want you to be realistic so you don't get to dissapointed when they send you home after 3 moths you can be here on your turist visa.

Good luck to you

best regards