How is your married life with filipina in philipines?

looking forward to know some  real life experiences

Not married and know nothing about meeting anyone there.

Fortunately there is a Philippians forum here. You might try your question there,

Well I have been married to Marianne for 7 years. For me it is heaven on earth, literally. I married her in 2004, built her a nice home and she has returned love to me continuously since then. I am now putting her through College. We have never had an argument but did have a few minor disagreements, which usually end in 15 or less minutes. We have 3 children the oldest is 6 and youngest 1 and a half. Please do a search on the internet for my name Charles Harman you should end up on my site with a full story of our life together. We currently live in the Cebu City area.:cool:

ive seen your site like 6 months ago, thank you for sharing your experiences.