Scooter in Rome

Hi All,

Second post. First post was answered greatly so I hope a new round will have the same results.

So I'm moving to Rome and am thinking about getting a scooter when I'm there to make travel more easy.

Can anyone tell me what the best way is to buy a scooter (second hand is fine as becasue of new might be expensive) and what about a license, do I need one? And insurance??

Hope to hear some good things!


You need insurance for sure, about license the one for cars (B) is ok with scooters up to 125cc to get a bigger one (which can be driven on highways too) you need a specific license (A).
If you already own a driving l. Probably it can be used or at least converted for italy, but I don't know how it works

I just got my "folgie rossa" which is the learners permit here. I am Canadian, had been driving in Canada for over a decade. Unless you're a diplomat or immediate family of a diplomat, you cannot get your licence converted if you are American or Canadian. But if you are European, you can get your drivers licence converted (I'm not sure how to do it but google "motorizzazione" and find web-sites that will help you. You might have to do a road test, but thats about it. If you already have a European scooter licence from another EU country, you might not even have to do that.

good luck!