Gynecologist in Khobar

Hi everybody. I am going to move to Al Khobar in January 2012. Does anybody know a good  gynecologist in Khobar (prefered a femal doctor)? How are the hospitals and the general medical care in KSA? Does anybody knows if there are possibilities for  acupuncture? Thanks for any help.

There are some good private hospitals in Khobar which might be covered by your insurance company. For example there is Saad Speciality Hospital, Al Mana general Hospital, Mohammad Al Dossary Hospital and Salama Hospital.
In Al Mana there are a couple of good lady Doctors. Dr. Irfana, Dr. Sheeba John and Dr Sabiha in Al Mana Dammam.
In Dossay there is Dr. Karuna, Dr. Farzana...