Do not buy a used car from a company on Jl. Teuku Umar called Nadia Auto Graha. Their sales manager, by the name of Kennedy is a consumnate liar and a totally unethical business man. For a company that HAS to rely on it's reputation, they don't give a damn once they have your money. My wife recently bought a car there, being assured that there was nothing major wrong with it and guess what - after taking it to the real distributors, it was discovered that the previously well hidden damage would cost 27 million rupiah!. When approached, these crooks didn't even offer an apology! BE WARNED!

We suggest you anywhere in Indonesia if you want to buy a vehicle have to go to a well reputable auto-dealers(here we call showroom)such as those from Toyota Astra Group ,Suzuki Indomobil Group,Honda or any others.Here you must have 2 kind of papers issued by the goverment;STNK(Surat Tanda Nomer Kendaraan) Vehicle Registry Paper and BPKB(Buku Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor)or Book of Certificate of ownership.Then make sure you must check those papers to The Police Authority for your safety against paper fakes.So simple and I recommend you to go with your local friend to see the vehicle and have it checked by an authorized mechanic.Have A Nice Drive