Home on Playa Cacao near Golfito Costa Rica ?

We are looking to relocate to Costa Rica. I have found a home for sale on Playa Cacao near Golfito that looks good to us. Has anyone had any experences in that area (good or bad)?

don't know the property
a bunch of the Golfito politicos are in jail for corruption, try google, Tico Times, AM Costa Rica, etc.
is the property in the Milla Maritima? -> if yes, run like hell

deal ONLY with principals, with your lawyer


Thanks Bill - The property is controlled by CR park service - lots of gray areas involved - already running - Thanks

"CR park service" ??
you mean MINAE (MINAET) ??

gringos are like cockroaches, we get into everything
but 'trust me', you will get your shorts burned in the Milla Maritima
I have real problems - with no solutions (when is the law no longer the law ?)
